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Kingman First Mile Piping:  2023 - 2026

Aerial map of Owyhee Irrigation District showing a river and a section for piping.

Kingman Lateral First Mile Piping Project

The Owyhee Irrigation District (OID) is excited to announce the Kingman Lateral First Mile Piping Project, a significant infrastructure improvement effort supported by two key grants. This project aims to modernize OID’s irrigation system, enhancing water delivery efficiency, improving system automation, and contributing to long-term water conservation efforts. The project is a critical part of ensuring that local agricultural operations, including the community of Adrian, which is wholly reliant on this system, have a sustainable and reliable water supply.

Project Overview
This project will enclose approximately 5,900 linear feet of the Kingman Lateral’s open canal by installing a 72-inch high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe within the existing canal profile. The section of the canal to be improved runs from the headgates downstream to the tunnel on the Kingman Lateral. Additionally, the project will include rehabilitating operation and maintenance roads, constructing automated headgate facilities, and creating a structure that connects the new pipe to the existing canal tunnel.

This project is critical for addressing water loss due to seepage, spills, and evaporation, and will significantly improve the efficiency of water delivery to local farmers. The enclosed canal system will reduce inefficiencies while increasing water reliability, helping to conserve valuable water resources in an area prone to drought conditions.

Support from Two Grants
The first grant made possible by Oregon Water Resources Department’s Irrigation Modernization Fundings, funds the following essential tasks:

  • Installation of the 72-inch HDPE pipe and automation of the lateral headworks.
  • Rehabilitation of roads and the construction of infrastructure to connect the pipe to the canal tunnel.
  • Site restoration, including backfilling the pipeline and replanting native species.

The second grant, made possible by the US Environmental Protections Agency through the 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act, provides additional support by funding:

  • Procurement of the equipment and supplies necessary for the current and future phases of the project.

The combination of these two grants lays the foundation for both immediate improvements and future construction, with the long-term goal of reducing water loss and enhancing the sustainability of the irrigation system.


Project Scope and Tasks
The Kingman Lateral First Mile Piping Project will be executed in the following phases:

  • Task 1: Final Design Bids/RFPs
    • Publish RFPs and award contracts for final design engineering and procurement of conduit materials.
    • Secure contracts for equipment and materials to be used in the project.
  • Task 2: Final Design/Materials Delivery
    • Complete the final engineering design, including detailed plans and profiles of the pipeline.
    • Procure and deliver materials to the project site for future phases.
  • Task 3: Site Preparation
    • Reconstruct roads and create lay-down areas to facilitate construction activities.
  • Task 4: Sub-grade Excavation and Pipe Installation
    • Excavate the subgrade, install the HDPE pipe, automate the lateral headworks, and build the necessary infrastructure to connect the pipeline to the existing system.
  • Task 5: Backfill and Site Restoration
    • Complete backfilling, commissioning of automated systems, and restore the site, including road repairs and replanting native species.


Expected Benefits
The Kingman Lateral First Mile Piping Project will deliver numerous benefits to the community:

  • Water Conservation: By enclosing the canal, the project will significantly reduce water loss through seepage and evaporation, ensuring more water reaches local farms.
  • Increased Efficiency: Automated headgate systems and modernized infrastructure will improve water delivery reliability and minimize delays.
  • Sustainability: The project will lay the groundwork for future construction phases aimed at further conserving water and improving the district’s resilience to drought.
  • Community Impact: With the town of Adrian being entirely reliant on the irrigation system, this project will ensure the stability and reliability of water delivery, supporting local agricultural operations and livelihoods.

Looking Ahead
The completion of the Kingman Lateral First Mile Piping Project marks a significant step forward in modernizing OID’s water infrastructure. While the current phase is focused on design and initial construction, future efforts, supported by these grants, will continue to enhance the system’s efficiency and sustainability. The OID is dedicated to transparent communication and responsible stewardship of these resources, ensuring a long-lasting, positive impact on the region’s agricultural community.

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